学会服务 Service

我们的工作主要分为五个方面: Our work is divided into five main areas:


CVRU is a platform for public resources, we will be pleasure if you and your organization can join us.

1. 链接高校和研究机构

Connecting universities and research institutes


Communicate with Chinese and German universities and research institutes to discuss innovation research technologies To understand the current situation of Chinese students, who are studying environmental protection in German universities, to introduce CVRU and to win new members. 

2. 辅助中德政府和相关部门的交流

Supporting the exchange between the German and Chinese governments and institutions 

关注环保资源领域政策发展方向,研究中国和德国目前热门的环保政策, 例如碳中和,污泥磷回收, 氢能开发利用,以及新政策对技术以及市场带来的影响和机遇。

We focus on policy development in the field of environmental protection and resources, and study current environmental policies in China and Germany, such as carbon neutrality, phosphorus sludge recycling, hydrogen energy development and utilization, as well as the impact of new policies on technologies and market opportunities. 


3. 加强兄弟协会合作

Cooperation of other associations


Cooperation between German associations in the same field, horizontal cooperation between Chinese and German associations. Establish contacts, discuss the work content of other associations and organize the activities together. 


4. 商业和企业 

Business and industry 


Pay attention to the trend of German and Chinese environmental protection industry, the development of resource and environmental products and markets, and employment demand in China Collect information from German and Chinese environmental protection industry, information on the demand for cross-border talents, technologies, products and capital, and build employment bridges and information bases. 


5. 对外宣传和内部管理:

External publicity and internal management:


Publicity, homepage, public website and digital platform update management.




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